Breeding Center

Welcome to the Breeding Center! Here at the breeding center, your match-made-in-heaven (Ernesto & Ernesta) can take their relationship to the next level — if you so please! Connect your wallet to get started:

Things you should know about the LIL NESTO mint

• You must have 1 ERNSTO and 1 ERNESTA to mint a LIL NESTO.

• You can get 1 LIL NESTO for each pair of ERNESTO and ERNESTA's you have.

• Your selected ERNESTO and ERNESTA do not need to have matching ID's.

• Both your ERNESTO and ERNESTA can only breed once. Choose wisely.

• Your LIL NESTO is randomly created. Parental attributes do not change offspring attributes. We made it this way so EVERYONE has a chance to get a rare.